Top Santé: The Beauty of Bathing

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For the January 2019 issue of women’s health and lifestyle magazine, Top Santé, I was asked to create some illustrations for a feature on the beauty of bathing. A subject I can definitely get behind as I love nothing more than a nice relaxing bath, especially during winter! The article featured products and remedies from various countries, such as Japan, France and Turkey. I represented each of these within certain elements of the main image. The tiles are inspired by those seen inside Turkish bath houses, the bamboo is a nod to Japan, and of course I have drawn a beautiful french style, roll top bath. With gold taps and ornate legs, this is pretty much my ideal bath! Overall I have tried to create a sense of luxuriousness, femininity, calm and beauty within the illustrations.

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Christmas and the last of 2018


So it’s that time of year again, one of my favourites! Out come the opulent dresses and heels as it’s time to celebrate! 2018 has been a pretty great year for me (although not without it’s downs!) and I’ve see a huge increase in the amount of live illustration bookings coming in. That means that next year my calendar is already filling up and 2019 is set to be a busy one! Although I definitely plan to take more holidays than I have in the past, a girl needs her rest, so here's looking forward to 2019, cheers everybody!